Trees older than men .. how can we decide to kill them? My plans for the park here in Amsterdam are clear. This park called Oosterpark is important in very different ways for this area inside a city: people can relax / de-stress, it produces fresh air, it regulates water, people can sport / train, walk, socialize, enjoy the colors, sounds, scents of nature. And there is room for art – sculptures, drawings – for learning to bike, children can play safely, recovering illness etc.
5 apr. 2017
heerlijk om op pad te gaan met je camera, helemaal als die ’topnotch’ is .. en dat is ie!! De Leica M10 heeft een aantal geweldige verbeteringen t.o.v. de vorige versie die ik had.
Dus er eindelijk op uit trekken en de vrijheid te voelen .. luchten, wolken, frisse voorjaarsgeuren om me heen .. en ik ben niet de enige die blij en veulenachtig in het park rond dartel.
6 mei 2016
Today the workshop Macro Photography was blessed with great weather: sun and not too much wind. I had only two students so I had time to test my new old 90mm lens .. and that was totally making me feel good .. it was sick!! wow what a beautiful old lens .. my advice: buy at least one old lens for special occasions .. and go wild!!